Musings ·

Absolutely delighted for Morgan Schneiderlin. A well deserved call-up for a player who’s been consistently superb for #saintsfc. Brilliant!

Really pleased for Rickie Lambert, but gutted he’s leaving. Feels like #saintsfc are starting to lose the core of a great squad. Sad day.

WPF Designer & Custom Dependency Properties

We needed a custom WPF layout for a work project so we merrily set about extending Panel and implementing our MeasureOverride and ArrangeOverride methods. However, we had some issues with the designer not responding well to XAML changes for our custom dependency properties. The solution turned out to be simple. Register the property with FrameworkPropertyMetadata instead of PropertyMetadata and set the AffectsArrange and AffectsMeasure flags.

static DependencyProperty MyCustomMarginProperty
      = DependencyProperty.Register("MyCustomMargin",
                              typeof (double),
                              typeof (MyControl),
                              new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(default(double))
                                    AffectsArrange = true,
                                    AffectsMeasure = true

This is ridiculous now. I don’t recall ever seeing such extensive speculation about so many players from 1 club. Surely games being played?

Don’t vultures usually wait until you’re dead before ripping you apart? Finish 8th & speculation is worse than when #saintsfc were relegated