Simple Brownie Recipe · Musings

Simple Brownie Recipe

Brownie Mix!

I love brownies, fairly quick and incredibly tasty. Here’s my prefered recipe, shamelessly stolen from a colleague.


  • 4oz Butter
  • 1.5oz Cocoa
  • 2 Eggs
  • 8oz Castor Sugar (usually reduce this slightly)
  • 2oz Self-raising Flour
  • 1pk Choc Chips


  1. Melt butter, add cocoa
  2. In separate bowl beat eggs with sugar for long time until thick
  3. Add cocoa/butter mix to sugar and eggs
  4. Add flour and choc chips
  5. Cook @ 160C for 1/2 hour

This should make about enough for an 8- or 9-inch baking tin.

Simples takes about an hour from start to finish and taste awesome, probably best not to eat too many though.