Child 2: 'Doughnut' · Musings

Child 2: 'Doughnut'

So, for some this is news, for others it’s old news. It seems we’re having another baby. :-)

Yesterday we had the initial dating scan and, broadly speaking everything is fine. Based on size measurements we are at 10+2 (as of today) and the due date is 6th April 2010. We already had a busy few months ahead. They just go busier.

Back in Febraury of 2006 Katie was pregnant with Poppy and despite strong protestations from myself my unborn girl was given the affectionate name of “cookie”. I know, I know. Please direct your mocking towards Katie. That was her work ;-) Anyway, as is always possible it seems this may have come back to bite us. A few weeks ago we told Poppy the news and she has thus far bounced from delighted to indifferent in the way only a small child can. One of her pearls of wisdom was this…

I’m going to call it Doughnut

Oh dear. Please, no. Unfortunately, this also seems to have now stuck. I guess if you can’t beat them, join them.

It’s too early at the moment to talk about gender, that’ll come at the next scan in about 7-8 weeks time. We haven’t decided yet whether we want to know this time, but if we do, we won’t be telling ;-)

The pics from the scan are below. The baby’s the small blob in the middle :-)